Joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. "

Monday, March 8, 2010

A new story

I opened my eyes to a bloody and broken face that was hanging off the dashboard. My heart pounding. I can feel my rib cage trying to yell out from the compression of this pressure. I need air as much as I need to yell out from the numbing pain that I feel. I can't move.


But no one heard me. I was there, stuck, panicking. The andrenaline in my veins are rushing in my head. I can feel my skull breaking, beating from the fill of blood in my brain. I tried jerking my legs, my arms or even anything, but none of it all were responding. I tried moving my head but I can not move. Why am I stuck in this...

And at that little second that I have left, I saw her face, bloody and broken. I don't even know if she's still alive. I can almost feel the torment that her body is enduring, the broken pieces of glass jabbed in her face, the pressure of the seats piled on her and the seat belt strap choking the very air in her lungs.

But who is she really? Her mirage was so new to me, yet so old within me. I can not remember. She seems like an important person.. but who is she really?

From my deepest sympathy, I grabbed the seatbelt and jerked it out to help her breathe. And as I did, I hear something break.

What's happening now?!

Damnit, I think something is about to come down big on us.

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